Asistimos a EFIAQUA (feria internacional para la gestión eficiente del agua) en el recinto Feria de Valencia del 28 al 30 de Noviembre. EFIAQUA es un foro en el que están representados todos los ámbitos para los que el agua es un recurso estratégico, como el mundo...
Actualización de pilotos regulador/sostenedor de plástico
HIDRÁULICA ROMYSPAN actualiza sus pilotos hidráulicos, añadiendo un adhesivo identificativo con número de serie* para mejorar la trazabilidad del producto y usando juntas de colores para identificar el piloto exteriormente sin necesidad de desmontarlo para comprobar...
We attend the INNOWA fair at the IFEPA fairgrounds in Torre Pacheco (Murcia) from 29 March to 1 April. The most important agricultural fair in southeast Spain, where you can see the latest technologies applied to the irrigation sector. For more information visit the...
We visited the fair SMAGUA in Zaragoza from 7 to 9 March. Hidraulica Romyspan has been present in one of the most important fairs in the national territory. For more information visit the SMAGUA website. Ver web
IFEMA Madrid
Hidráulica Romyspan has been present at the fair of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and fair of Innovative Solutions for Water Management held in the fairground IFEMA in Madrid from February 28 to March 3. For more information visit the IFEMA website. Ver web...
Iwater Barcelona
Hidráulica Romyspan has been present at the Iwater fair held in Barcelona from 15 to 17 November. For more information visit of Iwater Barcelona website Ver web
New hydraulic valve DN 125 – 5” FLUM VALVES
HIDRAULICA ROMYSPAN welcomes the new hydraulic valve in DN 125 flange with extended body and greater passage of water. Located between the former valve DN 125C (5 "- 4" - 5 ") and DN 150 (6"), the new valve contributes a greater flow rate, being able to increase the...
Hidráulica Romyspan incorporates a new test bench
Hidráulica Romyspan acquires a new test bench for hydraulic pilots. Designed and tested by the Hydraulic and Irrigation Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, it will allow hydraulic tests to be carried out on all types of pilots, both plastic and...
Nueva válvula hidráulica DN 125 – 5” FLUM VALVES
HIDRÁULICA ROMYSPAN da la bienvenida a la nueva válvula hidráulica en brida de DN 125 con cuerpo ampliado y mayor paso de agua. Situada entre la anterior válvula DN 125C (5” – 4”- 5”) y la DN 150 (6”), la nueva válvula aporta un mayor caudal, pudiendo ampliar la...